Not of This World - Murray Perahia > 영문_2012_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
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Not of This World - Murray Perahia





2010 | 52min | HD | COLOR | Documentary


​Since he was young, pianist Murray Perahia has performed with legendary musicians like Rudolf Serkin, Pablo Casals and Benjamin Britten. Also, in spite of an age difference, he used to keep a friendship with Vladimir Horowitz who inspired him as a mentor with his peculiar personality and performing style. About 20 years ago, he had to have a rest for some time with his thumb injury, then after it caused the cancellation of his concert tour again. However, as he has grown older, he has given deeper impressions to audience through meditative performances. It’s a documentary where you can feel Perahia’s sensibility.


  • 홀거-하인리히 프뢰스
    • 홀거-하인리히 프뢰스
    • 전 세계를 다니며 다큐멘터리를 촬영한다. 자연과 모험 같은 소재뿐 아니라 문화, 과학, 음악에도 많은 관심이 있다.
  • 클라우스 비쉬만
    • 클라우스 비쉬만
    • 프랑크푸르트 대학에서 피아노와 색소폰 대학원 과정을 공부하고 괴테 대학에서 법학을 전공했으며 1999년부터 35편이 넘는 다큐멘터리를 감독했다​.