Jascha Heifetz – God’s Fiddler > 영문_2012_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보

Jascha Heifetz – God’s Fiddler





2011 | 88min | Documentary


This fi lm portrays an artist for whom only perfection would do. This documentary re-creates a life that spanned the 20th Century, a life that both infl uenced the period, and was affected by its turbulent times. We hear from all the great violinists of his generation, and from many of his former students who are still alive, that Heifetz was a legendary but mysterious fi gure whose story embodies the dual nature of artistic genius: the paradox of how a mortal man lives with immortal gifts – gifts he must honor, but which extract a lifelong price.


  • 피터 로젠
  • 100편 이상의 장편 영화와 텔레비전 프로그램을 제작, 감독했으며 주요 영화제 수상 경력을 갖고 있다. 레너드 번스타인, 요요마, 루치아노 파바로티 등과 같은 음악계의 거장들과 함께 작업했다.