Lang Lang: The Art of Being a Virtuoso > 영문_2012_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
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Lang Lang: The Art of Being a Virtuoso





2011 | 71min | COLOR | Documentary


The Chinese pianist Lang Lang is considered the world’s No. 1 classical music star. Lang Lang: The Art of Being a Virtuoso links him and his piano hero, Franz Liszt. Two men, who made their childhood dreams come true and ascended to the ranks of the greatest musicians the world has seen. Acclaimed filmmaker Thomas Grube was granted exclusive access this summer and accompanied Lang Lang through China, USA and Europe. His film offers a revealing inside view into the life and mind of the modern virtuoso. The documentary was produced for five months in Shanghai, Shenzhen, Chicago, Milan, London, New York, and Berlin.


  • 토마스 그루베
    • 토마스 그루베
    • 1971년에 태어난 토마스 그루베는 베를린자유대학교에서 북미 정치와 동유럽 문화를 전공했다. 감독과 제작 공부를 병행하기 시작했고 그렇게 시작한 영화와의 인연이 이어져 현재 독일 영화 아카데미 회원으로 활동 중이다.