Gainsbourg by Gainsbourg, an Intimate Self-portrait > 영문_2012_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
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Gainsbourg by Gainsbourg, an Intimate Self-portrait





| 2011 | 99min | HD | Documentary


Serge grows up with the beauty of art and music, the sensuality of the opposite sex and the mysteries of poetry and prostitution as a Jewish boy during the war. One day, he realizes that all which intoxicate his soul, the desperation, the fear and the solitude, can be his voice. As his talent is released, he becomes a shocking legend and gains love from entire Europe. This film is a self-portrait of Serge Gainsbourg, featuring previously unreleased personal footage, against a backdrop of poetic visual and musical illustrations of the artist’s inspirations, visions and moods.


  • 피에르-엉리 살파티
    • 피에르-엉리 살파티
    • 1953년 프랑스 출생으로 감독, 극작가 겸 배우로 활동하고 있다. 1980년대 초반부터 영화에 입문하여 1988년 데뷔작 <톨레랑스>이후 여러 편의 극영화와 20여 편의 다큐멘터리를 만들었다. 특히 1999년에 만든 다큐멘터리 <수용소의 재즈>는 여러 영화제에서 수상한 바 있다.