Jason Becker: Not Dead Yet > 영문_2012_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
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Jason Becker: Not Dead Yet





2012 | 87min | HD | COLOR/B&W | Documentary


​Jason Becker: Not Dead Yet is a feature-length documentary that tells the extraordinary story of Jason Becker, a musical prodigy and guitar legend, who has been battling with ALS for 22 years. A paralyzing, terminal illness with no cure, the disease has trapped Jason inside of his body rendering him completely immobile. Using an eye communication system invented by his father, Jason is able to escape the confines of his body and release the music that is trapped inside of his mind. Jason Becker: Not Dead Yet is a story of dreams, love and the strength of the human spirit.


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    • 필라델피아에서 태어난 제시 바일은 런던에서 활동하는 영화 감독으로, 열렬한 기타 연주자이자 기타 음악 애호가이다. <제이슨 베커>는 그의 첫 장편 영화이다.​