Jazz G Men > 영문_2012_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보

Jazz G Men





| 2011 | 92min | HD | COLOR | Drama


A small city in northern Saitama, Japan. The director and the manager of the only mall in the city plan to organize a civic jazz band to promote the city. They ask the band training of one who was in a jazz band once and is a retired music teacher now, but all the band members are too inexperienced to play instruments except the pianist girl. Can the band of people of all sorts and conditions perform the concert successfully after three months?


  • 미야타케 유이
    • 미야타케 유이
    • 영화를 공부하기 위해 와세다 국제정보통신대학원에 입학. 재학 중에 연출한 < The Birthday Present >가 인디페스티벌에서 입상, 중편영화 <정령의 숲>으로 야마가타 국제무비페스티벌에서 네트워크상을 수상했다.