The Moon > 영문_2012_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보

The Moon





| 2011 | 131min | 35mm | COLOR | Drama


Phueng has had a dream of becoming a singer, but can’t help quitting school and helping the farm work because of her poor living conditions. However, her soul has been fed with the traditional Thai country music and she goes to Bangkok despite no definite chance for her dream. She starts doing odd jobs in the band of Waipoj Petchsupan who is a great figure in the traditional Thai country music. She gets recognized with her potential as singer but gets caught falling in love with the saxophonist of the band, being driven out of the band. Going from one night club to another, she meets teacher Mon Muangnua, who finds her talented and makes her a pop star named Pumpuang ‘The Moon’ Duangjan. Though, her life at the top gives her another affliction. It’s the film based on the life of ‘The Moon’, the actual singer most popular in Thailand.


  • 반딧 통디
    • 반딧 통디
    • 뮤직비디오 조감독을 시작으로 여러 편의 뮤직비디오를 감독했다. 각본가로 영화에 입문한 뒤 태국 전통 가요에 관한 작품으로 큰 성공을 거둔 <몬 플렝 룩 뚱 FM>과 <귀신들림>, <마누트 렉 라이>를 감독했다. 그는 또한 <옹박>의 감독 프라챠 핀카엡과 함께 많은 영화를 제작했다.