The Foster Boy > 영문_2012_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보

The Foster Boy





2011 | 103min | 35mm | COLOR | Drama


​The Foster Boy is a story about an orphan named Max. His biggest dream is to meet a ‘real family’, which comes true when he is contracted to work for the Bosiger family. But instead of finding love and recognition, he is treated like a work animal. The only thing they can’t take away from him is playing the accordion. This gives him courage and tiny amount of self-esteem he needs to survive. When a new teacher from the city recognizes his talent for music, Max gets the chance to perform at the local festival. His happiness, however, is short-lived. Envy and malevolence are stronger.


  • 마르쿠스 임보덴
    • 마르쿠스 임보덴
    • 1955년 10월 17일생. 임보덴은 취리히의 초원 소극장과 취리히 극장, 쾰른 극장에서 조감독으로 일했다. 현재 영화 감독과 시나리오 작가로 활약하고 있으며 독일 영화 아카데미의 회원이자 취리히 국립 종합예술대학의 교수이다.