Punk’s Not Dead > 영문_2012_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
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Punk’s Not Dead





| 2011 | 100min | COLOR | Drama


Mirsa is a Macedonian punk who lives on drug dealing in a poor proletarian area. His one-time cult-band in early 90’s was scattered as Yugoslavia did. Mirsa is a genuine nihilist and anti-establishment rebel. His Albanian dealer Gzim has irresistible infant smiles, but is known as the executioner. He offers Mirsa to reunite the band for a charity gig in the Albanian part of Macedonia. The feast is prepared under the patronage of some NGO, with the platform to spend money to strengthen the interethnic relaxation. Mirsa’s band should represent the Macedonian color, since nobody else wanted to play because of national prejudices.


  • 블라디미르 블라즈브스키
    • 블라디미르 블라즈브스키
    • 1955년 마케도니아의 스코페에서 태어나 베오그라드에 있는 영화, 연극, TV 학교에서 연출을 전공했다. 1994년부터 스코페 극예술 연구소에서 영화과 교수를 맡고 있는 그는 여섯 편의 단편 다큐멘터리와 상업 광고, 그리고 베오그라드 방송국을 위한 TV 작품을 200편 넘게 연출했다.