The Brooklyn Brothers Beat the Best > 영문_2012_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
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The Brooklyn Brothers Beat the Best





| 2011 | 96min | HD | COLOR | Drama


Recently broken up with by his girlfriend, underachiever Alex embarks on an impromptu road trip with his new bandmate, the eccentric Jim. By channelling their inner children and giving a new meaning to the term ‘lo-fi musician,’ Alex and Jim fi nd their unique musical style by bringing the sound of children’s instruments to their unsuspecting fans. Playing a series of bizarre shows and experiencing multiple near-disasters, Alex and Jim’s persistence takes them on a true coming-of-age journey – one that may be their last shot at achieving their youthful dreams.


  • 라이언 오넌
    • 라이언 오넌
    • 라이언 오넌은 각본가이자 배우이다. 2011년 MTV의 인기 시리즈 [스킨스]의 각본을 맡았고, 배우로서 <프리랜서들>의 주역을 맡아 최근 촬영을 마쳤다. 그 밖에 <메마른 땅>, <유브 갓 메일>, <먹고 기도하고 사랑하라> 등에 출연했다.​