The Last Elvis > 영문_2012_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
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The Last Elvis





2011 | 90min | 35mm | COLOR | Drama


Carlos Gutierrez is a divorced singer with a young daughter called Lisa Marie he scarcely sees. He has always lived as if he was the reincarnation of Elvis Presley. Yet he feels empty as he is about to turn the age Elvis lived to. An unexpected situation will force Carlos to take care of his daughter. This will allow him to find himself as a father and Lisa to accept him as he is. But destiny confronts Carlos with a difficult decision. In a journey of music and madness, he will have to choose between the dream of being Elvis and his family.


  • 아르만도 보
    • 아르만도 보
    • 1978년, 부에노스아이레스 출생. 뉴욕의 유명 기관에서 영화 연출을 익히고 부에노스아이레스의 시립 미술관에서 미술사를 공부했다. 2009년에는 알레한드로 곤잘레스 이냐리투와 니콜라스 기아코보니와 함께 오스카 외국어 영화상 후보로 올랐던 <비우티풀>의 각본을 공동 작업했다.