Mon-rak Transistor > 영문_2016_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보

Mon-rak Transistor





| 2002 | 121min | DCP | COLOR | Drama | World Music


A pastoral love story between a young man and woman. The first half of 〈Mon-rak Transistor〉 is filled with lyrical scenes of Thailand’s pristine landscapes which presents itself as a blessed paradise. This paradise turns into a nightmare when Pan joins the army leaving the pregnant Sadaw behind. Pan wins second place in the military song contest, which inspires him to become a deserter and head for Bangkok to become a singer. Clearly, 〈Mon-rak Transistor〉 is a film about the conflicts between the country and the city. Exploited and miserable, Pan’s demise in the big city is depicted through the dark images of the night in contrast to the bright images of Pan’s life in the country. When Pan finally makes it on the stage, he wins the enthusiastic approval of the crowd. But his happiness is short-lived when he ends up murdering his gay boss who attempts to seduce him. The rich landscapes and the musical-like scenes enhance the conventional but insightful narrative that explores the extreme clash between tradition and modernity in contemporary Thailand. (Lee Sang-yong) Share in


  • 펜엑 라타나루앙
    • 펜엑 라타나루앙
    • 1962년 태어난 펜엑 라타나루앙은 태국 영화감독이자 각본가이다. 예술영화 <라스트 라이프 라스트 러브>로 유명하며, 위시트 사사나티앙, 아피찻퐁 위라세타쿤과 함께 태국 영화계를 선도하는 감독으로 꼽히고 있다. 그의 데뷔작 <펀 바 가라오케>(1997)는 베를린에서 처음 상영된 이후 여러 영화제에서 상영되었고, 그의 세 번째 장편영화 <몬락 트랜지스터>는 2002년 칸 영화제 감독주간을 통해 처음 공개되었다.​