Junk Story Hide 50th Anniversary Documentary > 영문_2016_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
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Junk Story Hide 50th Anniversary Documentary





| 2015 | 126min | DCP | COLOR | Documentary | Rock


It has been 17 years since Hide from X Japan passed away so sudden, but so many fans still love him. Junk Story Hide 50th Anniversary Documentary is the first documentary describing Hide’s life, achievements and thoughts. This film will show how he was trying to find his own methodology and thought for his fans. You can get a close-up on his personality with variety of angles such as aesthetic, philosophy, dreams and his view on tolerance. The film consists of interviews of musicians and the people who knew him very well, Hide’s concert footages and additional behind-the-scenes. Junk Story Hide 50th Anniversary Documentary is about the bond between Hide and his comrades, and the story about all the people who love Hide.


  • 사토 후토시
    • 사토 후토시
    • 1968년 센다이에서 태어난 사토 후토시는 소품 담당으로 시작하여 조연출로 일했다. 1995년 첫 단편 <데이트 트레인>으로 주목받기 시작했고, 이후 드라마, 다큐멘터리, 뮤직비디오 그리고 CF 감독으로 활동해왔다. 2005년 첫 장편 <인디언 섬머>를 감독했고, 밴드 ‘인디언 랜드/S클럽 밴드’의 멤버로 활동하고 있다.