Mother, I've Pretty Much Forgotten Your Face > 영문_2016_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
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Mother, I've Pretty Much Forgotten Your Face





| 2015 | 102min | DCP | COLOR | Documentary | Rock


Endo Michiro, the ex-lead singer of legendary punk band ‘The Stalin’, has ventured into film direction with a documentary on a subject where he is better placed than anyone to examine: himself. Endo, a native of Nihonmatsu in Fukushima, was on a nationwide solo tour in 2011 celebrating his 60th birthday when he was interrupted by the Great East Japan Earthquake. While performing at various venues, he visits old friends and expresses his thoughts on a wide variety of subjects, such as his complex about growing up in the countryside, his thoughts about Fukushima and its pre- and post-disaster status in Japan, his family’s experiences in World War II.


  • 엔도 미치로
    • 엔도 미치로
    • 1950년 후쿠시마에서 태어나 1980년 펑크 밴드 ‘더 스탈린’을 결성하여 5년 동안 활동했다. ‘더 스탈린’ 해체 후 1993년부터 어쿠스틱 기타로 솔로 활동을 시작했다. 2011년에는 환갑 기념 연주여행을 하면서 그의 첫 영화 <펑크 뮤지션과 동일본 대지진>을 연출했고, 동일본 대지진의 피해복구를 위한 ‘프로젝트 후쿠시마!’를 벌이기도 했다.