Arvo Part - even if I lose everything > 영문_2016_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
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Arvo Part - even if I lose everything





| 2015 | 90min | DCP | COLOR | Documentary | Classic


​An intimate and sensitive portrait on the composer Arvo Pärt revealing the maestro’s philosophy of life, his creational background and everyday scenes with his family and friends. ‘Even if I lose everything...’, That is what Pärt wrote in his diary which he calls his ‘workbooks’. In the course of decades, along with his work on musical texts, he has filled those workbooks with his contemplations, with his moments of grief and joy, with his discoveries, worries and experiences – with everything that can be called the inner life of an artist.


  • 도리안 수핀
    • 도리안 수핀
    • 1948년 레닌그라드에서 태어난 도리안 수핀은 1975년 에스토니아 방송국에서 촬영 보조로 시작하여 에스토니아 텔레필름에서 촬영감독이자 연출로 활동했다. 1997년 자신의 회사 마이너 필름을 만들어 프리랜서 촬영감독과 연출자로 활동해오고 있다. 감독, 촬영감독, 대본을 맡으며 50편의 다큐멘터리와 5편의 극영화를 만들었다.