Seventh Heaven > 영문_2016_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보

Seventh Heaven





| 2015 | 11min | DCP | COLOR | Animation | Musical, World Music


​Somewhere in faraway China, in a huge rock forest, living on the edge of a cliff, a shepherd named Jasio lives with his sheep. One day, they find themselves stuck in the other side of the rock far away from home after an earthquake breaks the rock into two separate parts. Jasio will do anything to return home, but will he leave his sheep behind and choose to return home without them? The movie was made using traditional 2D techniques, customary in musical animation movies of the 90’s.


  • 오르 틸링거
    • 오르 틸링거
    • 이스라엘 가버사바 출생. 텔아비브에 위치한 민샤르 예술대학에서 애니메이션을 공부했고, 2D 애니메이션과 플래시, 애프터 이펙트를 전공하였다. 틸링거는 동화책 삽화작가이자 그래픽 디자이너, 작곡가로 활동 중이다.