IN COLD BLOOD > 영문_2021_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보






United States | 1967 | 134min | B&W | Drama

Program Note

In the Heat of the Night , IN COLD BLOOD, Both of these films (by coincidence) have score by Quincy Jones. Both are very different in terms of storytelling. Both are jazz-based. Cinema and jazz are first cousins in terms of 20th century culture. In technical terms, they have a parallel narrative. And yet the jazz influence has never been given the credit it deserves. In the Heat of the Night begins with a powerful song sung by Ray Charles. It delivers a powerful signal at the start of the film. It feels authentic. And the music continues to deliver this authenticity throughout the film. In the 2nd example the score delivers a powerful, dark atmosphere. It’s been years since I saw the film but the texture of the score stays with me. In particular, the use of 2 jazz bassists.


  • 리차드 브룩스
    • Richard Brooks