The Sparks Brothers > 영문_2021_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보

The Sparks Brothers





United States | 2021 | AP | 141min | DCP | Color | Documentary

Program Note

This is the first documentary from Edgar Wright, the King of "High-Quality B Films". Huge super stars such as the Rolling Stones, Led Zepplin discuss the Spark Brothers, but why has the public never heard of such influential musicians? This unfamiliarity may evoke the question of whether this movie is a mockumentary in the same vein as This Is Spinal Tap. However, the Sparks Brothers have solidified their presence through the 25 albums they have released over the past 50 years, earning them the title "musicians for musicians". The film portrays an ambiguous yet multi-layered portrait of the two subjects through the director's signature boisterous style. This is Edgar Wright's way of writing a love letter in tribute to a cult band that was dedicated to musical experimentation. (MAENG Soojin)​


  • 에드가 라이트
    • Edgar Wright