Song Hae b. 1927 > 영문_2021_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보

Song Hae b. 1927





South Korea | 2021 | 83min | DCP | Color | Documentary

Program Note

A documentary on Song Hae who is the longest running MC of the National Singing Contest. Only a handful of people in Korea would not know Song Hae. He has been around for so long that his chanting ‘National Singing Contest’ is forever ringing in our ears. But also, not many people really know about him. Song Hae b.1927 narrates the years that he started off as a singer, and then became an actor, a comedian, and then MC. Personal memories and modern Korean history overlap as music comforts us. The weight of his life is evident as he turns away, his words carefully selected and subdued. (SONG Kyeongwon)


  • 윤재호
    • Yun Jaeho