FREESPIRIT > 영문_2022_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보






Korea | 2021 | 20min | DCP | Color, B&W | Experimental | G | World Premiere


The members of Cadejo are wandering through reality as vagabonds. Along the way, they encounter people and events, they bump into each other and play music, and their existence is disrupted. Their past experiences begin to overlap with reality, and their existence is disrupted.

Program Note

Three men dressed in black walk through a wilderness with nothing but sparse, dead grass. They are members of the Cadejo. The three men are dead and unrecognizable. There is no dialog in the movie. Instead, the band's music plays over the men as they walk down the street. Their presence is also inferred by the subtitles. “What are you looking for here, it's often like this, you can't leave, you're lost,” the music video-like footage is superimposed, and the three men are shown on stage playing, before the film cuts to black and white. Like the title of Free Spirit, it is a movie that freely thinks and plays music without a set framework. (Songhee Kim)


  • 정제현
    •  Jeong Jaehyun