We Don't Dance for Nothing > 영문_2022_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보

We Don't Dance for Nothing





USA, Canada, Hong Kong, Philippines | 2022 | 86min | DCP | Color | Documentary | Musical, Pop | International Premiere


Filmed during the Hong Kong protests, So We Dance is a photomontage love letter to Filipino domestic helpers working in Hong Kong and their passion for dance. H, a young domestic worker, wants to escape Hong Kong with another woman, Sampa, to pursue her dreams of love, independence, and freedom.

Program Note

​In Hong Kong, there is a phenomenon where middle-class families go to work or school on weekdays but stay in their tiny apartments on weekends, so their Filipino domestic helpers spend the day in the park on Sundays. They gather to chat, dance, and comfort each other. Hong Kong is known to many of us for its movies and the protests following the handover to China, but the stories of the migrant workers who work there are less well known. Their lives and aspirations are shown through a variety of expressive techniques, including Chris Marker-style photomontages, Wang Jiawei-style step printing, and street dance musicals. (Kwang Woo Noh)​


  • 스테파노스 타이
    • Stefanos Tai