Calendar Girls > 영문_2022_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보

Calendar Girls





Sweden | 2022 | 84min| DCP | Color | Documentary | 12 | Asian Premiere


The coming-of-age story of the Calendar Girls, Florida's most dedicated and passionate dance team of women over 60. A dance documentary that shatters outdated images of the “elderly” and reveals the deep human need for creativity and friendship.

Program Note

In Florida, USA, there is a dance group made up entirely of women over the age of 60. It's called the Calendar Girls. The documentary Calendar Girls, which premiered at this year's Sundance Film Festival, focuses on the rehearsals and performances of this extraordinary dance troupe, which performs more than 100 shows a year, and tells the stories of its members as they live out their retirement years on their own terms. It is a special documentary that makes us reflect on how we will grow old and what kind of life we will live after retirement in a social atmosphere where the number of elderly people is increasing, but ironically, aging is sinful. (Jo Ji Hoon)


  • 러브 마틴센
    •  Love Martinsen
  • 마리아 루후프버드
    •  Maria Loohufvud