For the Left Hand > 영문_2022_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
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For the Left Hand





USA | 2021 | 74min | Color | Documentary | Classic | G | Korean Premiere


Norman Malone realizes his piano prowess at the age of five, but at the age of ten, his father beats him, leaving him paralyzed on the right side of his body. Nevertheless, Malone embarks on a lifelong adventure to reclaim his place, mastering some of the most difficult pieces written for only the left hand. Seventy years after the tragic event, Malone reveals his story and embarks on a long-delayed performance.

Program Note

If your neighbor's piano playing is so good that you hear it every time you wait for the elevator, you can't help but wonder who they are. And if that sound is produced by a single hand on the keys, you might be tempted to tell your music critic acquaintances. That's how left-handed pianist Norman Malone became a Chicago celebrity. A childhood accident left him without the use of both hands, but he never left his instrument and taught music to students for 34 years. An opportunity arose for him to play with an orchestra. The old man is driven by a passion that is neither too much nor too little. (Nam Sunwoo)


  • 고든 퀸
    •  Gordon Quinn
  • 고든 퀸
    • Leslie Simmer