La Traviata, My Brothers and I > 영문_2022_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보

La Traviata, My Brothers and I





France | 2021 | 108min | DCP | Color | Fiction | Classic, Opera | G


Fourteen-year-old Noor, who lives in a working-class seaside neighborhood, is on summer vacation. Struggling between his rowdy older brothers and a mother who is often away from home, Noor sees a chance to escape his circumstances and pursue a new dream when he meets Sarah, a young opera singer..

Program Note

The songs that symbolize their parents' romantic days are passed down to their children like oral tales. The boy Nu and his brothers have theirs. They are arias from the opera La Traviata, sung by their Italian father to win their mother's heart. Playing Pavarotti's voice for his sick mother, Nou stumbles upon a voice class, where he meets his teacher, Sarah, and learns to sing. Through music, the child gains a new sense of the world and her own possibilities. The film examines the confines of the family, while calmly emphasizing the hope that can only be found by experiencing the outside. (Nam Sunwoo)


  • 요한 만카
    • Yohan Manca