Love it (then) Dump it(LIDI) > 영문_2022_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보

Love it (then) Dump it(LIDI)





Korea, USA | 2022 | 65min | DCP | Color | Fiction | G | World Premiere


The singing April arrives in a strange land at the invitation of another. She slowly builds a life for herself in this strange land. She and the people of the land speak different languages, but they have no trouble communicating with each other. One day, she finds an audition notice posted in a café, and she writes to it. She walks down the street, listens to music, organizes her thoughts into songs, and does the simple things that make her day.

Program Note

Time in a travel destination passes in strange ways. Scenery shifts between black and white and total natural color, and foreign languages go from fluent to unfamiliar. Singer-songwriter April relaxes in Los Angeles, USA, with a relaxed, yet unfamiliar outlook on everything. The movie, which plays out like a pictorial diary, flips through the tracks of his walk, each with a subtitle. He wants to find out how to "tame the beast of loneliness," and at the end of his journey, he makes a decision. The ending credits, which fade to silence as he exclaims his feelings, make you listen to his inner thoughts until the end. A precious gift for fans of Kim Saewol. (Nam Sunwoo)


  • 정진수
    •  Chung Jinsoo(VISUALSFROM.)