Joe Strummer: The Future Is Unwritten > 영문_2007_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
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Joe Strummer: The Future Is Unwritten





영국 | 2006 | 120min | 35mm | COLOR | Documentary | Musical


As the front man for the Clash, the preeminent British punk rock band along with the Sex Pistols, from 1977 onwards Joe Strummer kickstarted the punk movement and transformed culture forever with his songs filled with jagged satire and sharp politics. Five years after his death in 2002, his influence continues to permeate throughout contemporary music more strongly than ever before. Julien Temple, a British filmmaker fascinated by 1970s punk culture, has directed many music films including (1986), (1989), (2006) as well as three films about the Sex Pistols. A punk rocker and a close friend who spent time with Strummer in his last days, Temple reveals the multi-faceted Strummer -- a punk icon, a diplomat''s son and a father of two daughters. The soundtrack is propelled by an energetic mix of Clash songs, and the film never lose its rhythm or pace through deft cross editing of animation, film and home video footage, concert recordings and images from Strummer''s own drawings. Some scenes of particular interesting include the opening shot of Strummer singing the early Clash hit, and a campfire interview with family members and friends. A rare and honest documentary for punk rock fans and music lovers.


  • 줄리언 템플
    • 줄리언 템플
    • 1953년생. 영국의 극영화, 다큐멘터리, 뮤직비디오 감독이다. 섹스 피스톨즈에 관한 영화로 감독 데뷔한 이후, 여러 편의 후속작을 만들어왔다. 섹스 피스톨즈에 대한 또 하나의 영화 <섹스 피스톨즈의 전설>(1999)은 선댄스영화제와 2000 베를린영화제에서 상영되었다.