Razzle Dazzle > 영문_2007_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
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Razzle Dazzle





오스트레일리아 | 2006 | 91min | 35mm | COLOR | Drama | Musical


< Razzle Dazzle - A Journey into Dance> follows the eager young members of Jonathon Dance and Talent School who battle to qualify for grand final success at ''Sanosafe Troupe Spectacular,'' Australia''s most prestigious dance competition. Talent School, the reigning champion of the past five years. is led by the innovation-wary Elizabeth, while the newbies at Jonathon Dance, prepare for their first competition with only a solid belief in power of dance to change the world. Uncovering the murky world of dance competition politics, the film lampoons the pressured dance instructors and the hysterics of the pushy stage moms with its fake-documentary touches. Following the hardworking students at Jonathon Dance Academy, the films cleverly straddles the line between fiction and reality by mixing the documentary-esque footage and < interview> clips. Based on a short story written by Carolyn Wilson, Ashton''s wife, the film is a warmhearted satire of the overheated dance competition scene. Ben Miller as Jonathon and top-notch actress Kerry Armstrong as pushy mom Julia memorably demonstrate their fine acting abilities. Viewers will find themselves anxiously awaiting the outcome of the climax - Who will be the winners?


대런 애쉬톤

1963년생. CF감독으로서 경력을 쌓았다. 단편영화 <엑스트라>(1999)를 연출했고 AC/DC를 추종하는 18살 소년들의 이야기를 다룬 코미디 <썬더스트럭>(2004)으로 장편 영화 데뷔를 하였다.?<래즐대즐 댄스경연>은로 2007년 베를린영화제 제너레이션 부문에 상영됐다.