From the Sea > 영문_2007_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보

From the Sea





스페인 | 2007 | 75min | 35mm | COLOR | Animation | Musical


Once upon a time there was a house in the middle of the sea, a house where a woman plays her cello. She is in love with an artist who longs to be a sailor, an artist who becomes a fisherman and then vanishes into the crashing waves of the sea. The man opens his eyes to see the mesmerizing motion of fish traveling to the accompaniment of the woman s cello and realizes that this amazing world is the very beauty he tried to capture in his paintings. Miguelanxo Prado, one of the most influential comic book authors in Spain since the early 1980s, has developed his stunning art to transcend the genre limitations of comic books into inventive illustrations and paintings. In his very first animation, Prado creates an unforgettable harmony of story and images. Scenes are soaked with opulent colors, completed from countless drawings and paintings done by the director, while the sweeping orchestral score by the composer Nani Garcia plays a leading role in the film that goes far beyond merely supporting the visuals. The magical < under the sea> fusion of lavish images and a lush orchestra -- with various sounds from seagulls, sharks and others -- renders this wordless 70 minute image-poem one of the most exquisite audio-visual experiences ever.


미겔란소 프라도

1958년 스페인 라 코루냐 출신. 만화계를 대표하는 작가 중 한 명으로서 1983년부터 활동하며 만화뿐 아니라 일러스트레이션, 회화, 애니메이션으로 지평을 넓히고 있다. <프롬 더 시>는 독특한 시청각적 경험을 위해 그가 온 역량을 기울여 완성한 작품이다. 30여권이 넘는 그의 만화책은 다양한 언어로 번역되어 아시아 시장에도 소개된 바 있으며 그의 시나리오 <분필로 그은 선>은 미라맥스 영화사에 판권이 팔리기도 했다.