Wintersong: a Film on Dakota Suite > 영문_2007_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
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Wintersong: a Film on Dakota Suite





스위스 | 2006 | 51min | Documentary | Musical


The documentary is a journey with Chris Hooson a singer-songwriter and guitarist of the Leeds-based indie rock band Dakota Suite that presents folk rock full of sorrow. On the journey in search of his musical origins, the camera traces him back to Everton F.C. Stadium where he watched football games in his childhood, and to Liverpool and Preston where his songs, life and every day matters take place. Hooson, who once attempted to commit suicide, visits prisoners, acts as a counselor and lives happily in the thought that this activity is more valuable than his music. The empty and desolate winter landscape in Northern Ireland linger a while along with Dakota Suite’s music and it lets you meld into the secret moment when a musician’s inner spiritual world and outer reality meet up with each other and music is finally drawn from silence. The documentary was on Amsterdam International Documentary Film Festival’s official selection in 2006 and received a special mention at Vision du Reel Film Festival in Nyon.


파스칼 호프만, 베니 야버그

파스칼 호프만 파스칼 호프만은 1977년 스위스 쿠어 출생으로 건축, 디자인, 다큐멘터리 분야 등에서 경력을 쌓고 장편 다큐멘터리 <고향의 소리>에 카메라 감독 어시스턴트로 참여했다. <다코다 수트 - 겨울노래>는 파스칼과 베니의 취리히 응용과학예술대학 영화과 졸업 작품이다. 베니 야버그 베니 야버그는 1981년 스위스 바덴 출생. 2003년부터 취리히 응용과학예술대학에서 영화를 전공하였고 2005년에는 스위스 텔레비전에서 인턴으로 일했다.