When the Road Bends > 영문_2007_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보

When the Road Bends





미국 | 2006 | 110min | 35mm | COLOR | Documentary | Musical


The Gypsies, originating from India, are a minority who have dispersed widely yet kept their own culture and language. However, they have always suffered discrimination and contempt and so lamentation became naturally ingrained into Gypsy culture. < When the Road Bends> by Jasmin Dellal is a road movie, documenting 5 Romanian bands from Macedonia, Rumania, India and Spain who go on US tour for 6 weeks. Early on in their tour they communicate awkwardly in Romani, Gypsy words, but gradually share each other’s music, dance and food. Jasmin Dellal not only films their music tour but also visits their hometown. Through the ‘wedding and funeral’, the core of Gypsy music, she captures their life and lamentations, especially the funeral of violinist Taraf de Haidouks who died during filming and the tale of vocalist Esma Redzepova who adopted 47 children. You will find the burning passion of the Gypsy Caravan on their European tour more sensational than the Buena Vista Social Club.


자스민 델랄

자스민 델랄은 다큐멘터리 <미국 집시: 모두의 땅에 사는 이방인>의 연출, 제작, 각본, 편집을 맡으면서 주목받았다. 옥스퍼드 대학에서 프랑스어와 스페인어를, UC 버클리에서 저널리즘을 전공했으며 UC 버클리 재학시절 만든, 홈리스 사진가를 다룬 <그의 이미지 속에서>로 학생 에미상을 수상했다. 말론 릭스의 <블랙 이즈 블랙 에인트>와 같은 영화에 참여하기도 했다.