Saving Jazz > 영문_2007_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
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Saving Jazz





영국 | 2006 | 59min | 35mm | COLOR | Documentary | Musical


Since Hurricane Katrina swept over New Orleans in August 2005, music also seemed to die away in the hometown of jazz. Jazz photographer Leonard Herman lost thousands of his photos due to floods. 83-year-old Herman, at that time, had taken photos of a number of jazz artists including Charlie Parker, Billie Holiday, Duke Ellington, Miles Davis and Frank Sinatra and most of his photos were at his house in New Orleans. After the hurricane had passed by, he went back home but what welcomed him was the soaked and drenched photos and framed photos destroyed except for only the center. It was in that moment that his youth, devoted to the photos of jazz artists, is thoroughly taken away but what he is more concerned about is that ‘Music and spirit of New Orleans might disappear.’ Leonard Herman finally decides to move his archive to California but he comes back to take photos of the hard times New Orleans people go through in order to reactivate music.


레슬리 우드헤드

우드헤드는 40년의 경력을 가진 영국 최고 다큐멘터리 감독 중 한 명이다. 70년대 영국 방송에서 재연 다큐멘터리 방식을 처음으로 소개한 장본인이기도 한 그는 영국 그라나다 방송국을 거점으로 활동하며 미국의 ABC, HBO 등과도 활발한 작업을 펼친다. 롤링 스톤즈의 공연을 담은 <공원의 스톤즈>(1969)나 토니 베넷, 랜디 뉴먼 등과도 다큐멘터리 작업으로도 유명하다. 스레브레니차 대학살을 다룬 <무덤에서의 외침>(1999)로 암스테르담 국제다큐멘터리 영화제 등에서 수상했다.