Play Your Own Thing: A Story of Jazz in Europe > 영문_2007_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
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Play Your Own Thing: A Story of Jazz in Europe





독일 | 2006 | 86min | 35mm | COLOR | Documentary | Musical


Jazz musicians such as Charlie Parker and Miles Davis are widely known but the names of Pierre Michelot, Tomasz Stanko and Miroslav Vitous are unfamiliar. As you can see from this, European jazz has a short history and little attention is paid to European jazz musicians. In , director Julian Benedikt tells of the arrival of jazz in Europe after the Second World War and the story of the musicians leading it. The documentary also features temporary European jazz musicians’ efforts to try hard to play their own music, rather than other peoples. It has a shorter history than American Jazz but it has a unique attractiveness because various the cultures of various countries are involved in it. Along with the traditional favorites including Duke Elington’s Blow by Blow, Clifford Brown’s Blues Walk and Miles Davis’ Nuit sur les Champs-Elysees composed for the film, , you can also listen to music by European jazz artists such as Joachim Kuhn, Tomasz Stanko and Peer Oddvar Johansen.


  • 줄리안 베네딕트
    • 줄리안 베네딕트
    • 배우 출신 감독으로, 드러머 치코 해밀튼의 음악에 매료되어 그에 관한 다큐멘터리 <치코 해밀튼 - 다른 드러머에 맞춰 춤추기>(1994)를 만들었다. 다음 작품 <블루 노트 - 모던 재즈 이야기>(1997)는 피바디상 수상과 함께 그래미상 후보에 올랐다. 이후 <사진 속의 재즈>(2001)에 이어 <네 것을 연주해라 - 유럽 재즈 이야기>(2006) 등 여러 편의 음악 다큐멘터리를 만들었다