Lift to the Scaffold > 영문_2007_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
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Lift to the Scaffold





프랑스 | 1957 | 92min | 35mm | Drama | Musical


After Julien Tavernier, in love with Florence Carala, murders her husband, he is accidentally trapped in the lift. In the meantime, Louis passing himself off as Julien, murders a man, and Florence, who mistakenly thinks that Julien has betrayed her, reports Julien as a murder suspect to the police but finally finds out Louis is a real criminal. The murder plot is, however, eventually discovered through photographs including evidence that Julien and Louis are the murderers at their respective crimes. Florence chants her love on the sad sound of a trumpet. It is the only film in which Miles Davis was in charge of the film soundtrack. Miles Davis, who visited France at that time to hold a Cool Jazz concert, composed film music over two days and recorded only for 4 hours on his 20-day-Europe tour. There is also an episode in which, while watching rushes of the film he played improvisaiton. As these recording sessions were performed together with European jazz musicians including Barney Wilen, Rene Urtreger and Pierre Michelot, it is remembered as a very meaningful work in the history of jazz. Along with Louis Malle’s elaborate direction and Jeanne Moreau and Lino Ventura’s excellent psychological detailed performances, Miles’ hazily lingering trumpet sound is unforgettably the most touching.


루이 말

1932년 태어나 IDHEC를 졸업한 후 로베르 브레송의 조감독을 거쳐 1957년 <사형대의 엘리베이터>를 발표하면서 주목을 받기 시작했다. 1958년 발표한 <연인들>로 베니스 영화제 심사위원 특별상을 받았고, 1987년에는 <굿바이 칠드런>으로 베니스 영화제 그랑프리를 받기도 했다. 아카데미 감독상 후보에 오르기도 했던 1981년 작품 <아틀란틱 시티>를 비롯하여 미국에서도 많은 활동을 했고, 마지막 작품 <데미지>는 선정성 논란을 불러일으키면서 화제가 되기도 했다.