Robert Altman's Jazz '34 > 영문_2007_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
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Robert Altman's Jazz '34





미국 | 1996 | 75min | 35mm | COLOR | Documentary | Musical


Robert Atman who died last year had made a few music-related films from and to his final film . While making Kansas City in 1996, Altman re-created a typical night at his hometown''s music club in 1930 s through this unique film. Kansas City in the 1920 s and 30 s was the most important music city in America, where there were the largest number of clubs were flowing with the sound of swing and blues every night. So the film naturally places a great deal of weight on music. Altman asked such great contemporary artists including David Newman, Ron Carter and Joshua Redman to play the music of Coleman Hawkins, Count Basie and Duke Ellington in 1920 s and 30 s with new interpretations for the film, and later made a second film using only the scenes of their performance. Narrated by Harry Belafonte the singer who also appeared in Kansas City, the 70 minute length documentary shows a joyful moment in the history of big band jazz


로버트 알트만

1925년 캔자스 시티에서 출생. 로버트 알트만은 1970년 로 형식적인 측면에서 그의 트레이드마크인 장르 해체를 시작하면서 많은 비평가들에게 호평을 받았다. 장르 해체는 <빈센트와 테오>(1990), <플레이어>(1992) 같은 작품에서도 두드러지게 나타난다. 현대 세상을 그의 방식으로 풀어내는 평행 구조의 이야기와 플롯은 <내쉬빌>(1975)과 <숏컷>(1993)에서 분명하게 보이고 있다. <프레리 홈 컴퍼니언>을 마지막 작품으로 81세의 나이로 2006년 타계했다.