Between a Smile and a Tear > 영문_2007_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보

Between a Smile and a Tear





덴마크 | 2005 | 102min | 35mm | COLOR | Documentary | Musical


Montmartre Jazz Club in Copenhagen, Denmark was renowned for being the ‘center of European Jazz’. It was a legendary jazz club until the mid 1970s but 30 years have passed since it closed down. Niels Lan Doky, a Danish jazz pianist invited the masters Johnny Griffin, Albert Heath, Toots Thielemans and so on and prepared a glamorous concert. At the end of a practise full of vicissitudes, they play a stunning and impassioned concert and the memories of Montmartre Jazz Club are dimly recollected. In particular, a Norwegian singer Lisa Nilsson s wonderful voice, as well as 76-year-old Jonny Griffin showing a passionate musical performance, and 82-year-old Toots Thielemans always having a laugh, are unforgettable. Niels Lan Doky, a pianist who visited Korea for a concert in 2006 took charge as director and created these well-made images. Just as Toots Thielemans expressed it as ‘between a smile and a tear’, the film is full of melancholy about something fading away and about an optimism transcending time and space through music.


닐스 란 도키

1963년 베트남 아버지와 덴마크 어머니 사이에 태어난 다재다능한 뮤지션. 버클리 음악대학교를 졸업하고 1986년 1집 앨범 로 데뷔한 이래 26장이 넘는 앨범을 발표했다. 피아니스트로서뿐만 아니라 많은 뮤지션의 앨범에 프로듀서를 담당하기도 하였으며 작곡, 편곡에도 뛰어난 재능을 선보이며 유럽에서 이미 상당한 지명도를 획득한 뮤지션. 2006년 내한 공연을 가지기도 했으며 2007년 나윤선 팝 프로젝트 등에 참여 중이다.