Kidz in da Hood > 영문_2007_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
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Kidz in da Hood





스웨덴 | 2006 | 96min | 35mm | COLOR | Drama | Musical


< Kidz in Da Hood> is the longtime pet project of Ylva Gustavsson, who believed music was underappreciated in Swedish cinema and was inspired by the musical shenanigans of her own kids and friends. As a former musician, her passion for music can be seen in every shot of the film. Her indignation about the plight of refugee children, a deeply felt emotion that sprang up after she met a Somalian girl, motivates the story. This dream project was realized through a fruitful collaboration with Catti Edfeldt who started acting at the age of 10. Amina, a young girl from Somalia, moved to Sweden with her grandfather three years ago. Amina has not yet received her residency permit and everything comes to a head when her grandfather dies before her permit is issued. She''s in temporary hiding with the pierced and tattooed rocker Johan. The free-spirited Mirre lives on the same floor as Amina and together they begin fighting for Amina to stay in Sweden. All the characters are music lovers: Johan is a rock musician, Pecka loves tango, Mirre and Anima enjoy hip hop. Gustaf Skarsgard, a leading Swedish heartthrob who stars as Johan, learned to play guitar for the role. Making her screen debut is Jennifer Brown, as Janet who falls in love with Johan -- Brown is a national pop star in Sweden with 4 hit albums since her debut in 1993. The film was screened at the generation selection of 2007 Berlin and won 5 awards including best picture at Swedish Film Award.


일바 구스타브손, 카티 에드펠트

일바 구스타브손 일바 구스타브손. 1963년 스웨덴 출생으로 록밴드의 멤버로 활동하던 중 한 영화제에서 <인어가 노래하는 소리를 들었네>(패트리샤 로젬마 감독)란 영화를 보고 영화감독이 되기로 결심하고 스톨홀름 영화학교를 다닌다. 늘 스웨덴 영화에는 음악이 부족하다고 생각했던 그녀는 첫 장편 <키즈 인 더 후드>에서 그녀의 숙원이었던 음악이 가득한 영화를 실천하고야 만다. 카티 에드펠트 카티 에드펠트는 1950년 스웨덴 출생으로 아역배우, 조감독, 캐스팅 디렉터 등으로 일찍이 영화계에 발을 들여놓았다. 연출작으로는 스웨덴 영화상 감독상 후보에 오른 <교회지기>(1994)과 <에바&아담>이 있다.