Bunt > 영문_2007_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보






한국 | 2007 | 96min | 35mm | COLOR | Drama | Musical


< Bunt> portrays the lives of 11-year-old Dong-gu who has an IQ of 60 and his father Jin-gyu who runs a small fried chicken restaurant. The father and son are happy with their simple life. Although the only thing Dong-gu does at school is to pour water into the cups of his classmates, school is the best place for him; his father, whose ultimate dream is to see Dong-gu''s graduation, is happy just to see his son attend school. However, when the school tries to send Dong-gu to a special institute, the father and son panic. After Jin-gyu finds out that any member of the school''s short-handed baseball team automatically gets to stay at school, Dong-gu starts playing baseball. < Bunt>, the first feature by Park-gyu Tae best known as the scriptwriter of < Hi, Dharma!>, takes a tender-hearted look at two protagonists who struggle with difficulties but ultimately find strength in their ''father-son relationship'', a recent focus of Korean films these days. The film doesn''t get bogged down in cloying heaviness or the clich s of heroism. Occurrences around the father and son pair revive our faith in the humanity of everyday life, although life itself can sometimes betrays us. The film pays honor to these small but true triumphs, just as Dong-gu and Jin-gyu appreciate the miracle of the bunt more than any homerun. (Jin Park)



<날아라 허동구>로 감독 데뷔한 박규태 감독은 <베이비 세일>(1997), <북경반점>(1999), <달마야 놀자>(2001)의 각본가로 이미 잘 알려진 인물이다. 그는 데뷔작 <날아라 허동구>에서 각본가 출신답게 이야기꾼의 소질을 발휘하며, 가족의 소중함과 사랑의 의미를 감동 깊게 전한다.