Azur and Asmar > 영문_2007_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
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Azur and Asmar





프랑스, 스페인, 이탈리아 | 2006 | 99min | 35mm | COLOR | Animation | Musical


< Azur and Asmar>, a new animation by Michel Ocelot, a French animator already popular in Korea for works such as < Kirikou and the Sorceress>(1998), < Princes and Princesses>(2000), and < Kirikou and the Wild Beasts>(2005), once again ushers viewers into a world vivid with colors. Azur is blond with blue eyes, Asmar has dark hair and dark eyes. As kids, they fought and loved each other as brothers do, growing up to tales about the Djinn''s fairy from Asmar''s mother who is Azur''s nanny. They become rivals in the quest for the Djinn''s fairy, in a medieval Maghreb that is full of danger and magic. Offended by the two boy''s innocent competition, Azur''s father forces Azur to go to boarding school and sends Asmar and his mother away from the castle. Years later, young Azur rejoins his quest to find the fairy Djinn, ending up in a strange land where his blue eyes cause him nothing but trouble. This beautifully crafted animation is a gentle allegory on the perils of modern-day racism portrayed through the conflict between Azur and Asmar. The stunning score for the film is by Gabriel Yared, a prominent French film musician famous for his work on < Betty Blue: 37.2 Le Matin>, < The Lover>, < The English Patient>, and < The Lives of Others>.


미셸 오슬로

1964년 프랑스 출생. 아프리카 민담에 토대를 둔 첫 장편 <키리쿠와 마녀>(1998) 이후, 세계 여러 나라의 민담을 소재로 서양 어린이들에게 익숙한 그림자 인형극 형식을 빌어 애니메이션으로 표현한 <프린스 앤 프린세스>(2000), <키리쿠, 키리쿠>(2005) 등을 발표해서 전 세계적으로 사랑 받고 있다. <키리쿠와 마녀>로 1999년 안시 애니메이션 영화제 대상을 받았다.