Voyage in G Major > 영문_2007_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
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Voyage in G Major





프랑스 | 2007 | 54min | Documentary | Musical


Aime Helbing, was once a violinist but now has almost lost his hearing. He has been preparing a journey to Morocco for 40 years, reading a guidebook, taking notes and gathering information on Morocco. His wife, however, has persistently refused to go. 93-year-old Aime finally leaves for Morocco with his grandson, a filmmaker, who wants to help his grandfather realize his old wish and decides to film his grandfather lighthearted like a child waiting for a picnic. While his wife Alice looks back on her heartbreaking but happy young days as she listens to her husband’s music, Aime rediscovers a world and life throughout his journey to Morocco with its exotic landscape and he calmly reflects on his life’s lessons and lost opportunities. On the last night of the journey with his grandson, Aime chants that he has been hearing a melody since his arrival in Morocco. It is a precious journey that makes Aime feel a beautiful melody that changes the chord of his life from a gloomy minor to a cheerful major.


게오르기 라자레브스키

1968년 브뤼셀 출생. 벨기에와 유고슬라비아에 뿌리를 둔 그는 여행 전문 사진작가로 '르몽드', '지오' 등의 잡지에 사진을 실어왔으며 박물관과 도서관에도 그의 사진이 보관되어 있다. <아멜리에>를 비롯한 몇몇 영화에서 촬영 스텝으로 참여했으며 단편 다큐멘터리 연출해 호평을 받았다. 은 그의 첫 번째 장편 다큐멘터리 작품이다.