200 Pounds Beauty > 영문_2007_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
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200 Pounds Beauty





한국 | 2007 | 120min | 35mm | COLOR | Drama | Musical


It was decades ago when The Buggles sang “Video Killed the Radio Star.” It is now common knowledge that being able to sing well is not enough to be a singer. Despite her heavenly voice, Hanna can never be more than a ghost-vocalist for beautiful pop sensation Ammy, because she weighs more than 90kg and is deemed unattractive. To earn her living, she even works part-time taking phone-sex calls from lonely men at night. She has a secret crush on Han Sang-jun, a music producer, who has acknowledged her singing talent and been kind to her. But when she gets humiliated in front of Sang-jun at his birthday party, Hanna makes a life-altering decision to get head-to-toe plastic surgery from her phone-sex-regular cosmetic surgeon, in exchange for the recorded tapes of their phone calls together. Thanks to the surgery, now Hanna is a slender beauty and delighted to receive totally different treatment from men who do not recognize her old self. She debuts as a singer with her own - though surgically changed ? face under a pseudonym. Instead of directly criticizing lookism, this film uses mild satire. While approving the desire to become beautiful even through cosmetic surgery, it cheerfully structures a story of a ‘plastic surgery’ Cinderella. Its featured songs, such as ‘Maria’ performed by actress Kim Ah-jung and ‘Stand by Me’, give life to the film and make it trendy. (Lim Bum)



중앙대 영화학과에서 영화연출을 전공했다. 2000년 졸업작품인 단편 <자반고등어>로 제1회 대한민국 영상대전 우수상을 수상한 바 있으며, 해외 유수의 영화제에 초청되었다. 형제애를 다룬 코믹 드라마 <오! 브라더스>(2003)로 장편 데뷔, 대중적인 지지를 얻었으며 2006년 <미녀는 괴로워>로 흥행감독의 자리에 올랐다.