The Fox Family > 영문_2007_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보

The Fox Family





한국 | 2006 | 104min | 35mm | COLOR | Drama | Musical


In Korean films, the musical has been adopted only partially with a few scenes of dancing and singing. However, adopts musical genre more earnestly, telling most of its story through songs. A fox family ? father, son and two daughters ? comes to the city. A nine-tailed fox can become a human being if it eats the liver of a human being on a certain day that only comes around once in a thousand years. The big day is only a month away, and the family is coming to the city to secure human livers. They open up a circus in a secluded area and gather human beings under the pretense of recruitment. But the people applying to their circus are various, like an old lady, an ill person, and a suicidal person ? whom the fox family has trouble keeping alive until the day. Moreover, a brutal serial murder case occurs in the city and the detective suspects the fox family. Each and every member of the fox family is unique and eccentric. People around the family are all bizarre and far from normal. Something is bound to go wrong in the family’s attempt to become human. Throughout these comical settings, the film mixes elements of gothic gloom, sex and the grotesque. The film also makes an ambitious attempt to convey the characters’ personality and story through the 8 songs they sing. (Lim Bum)



홍익대에서 시각디자인을 전공했으며, 한국예술종합학교 영상원 2기 출신이다. 작품으로는 , <풍장>, <난간> 등이 있으며, 졸업작품 <엔조이 유어 섬머>는 클레르몽페랑 국제단편영화제 경쟁부문에서 상영되었다. 영화 <버스, 정류장>의 뮤직비디오로 섬세한 영상감각을 보여주었으며, <구미호 가족>은 이형곤 감독의 장편데뷔작이다.