Dasepo Naughty Girl: Director > 영문_2007_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
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Dasepo Naughty Girl: Director





한국 | 2006 | 103min | 35mm | COLOR | Drama | Musical


In the ‘No Religion’ class at Musseulmo high school, when a student asks to leave early claiming to have contracted an STD, most of the class and their teacher go to the hospital. Why? Because there is a good chance that they might have the disease too. To phrase it nicely, the class ‘shares pleasure’. When a poor girl asks for an early dismissal to prostitute herself to support her family, the teacher compliments her for being ‘a good daughter.’ Even in this bizarre school, love blossoms like in any other schools. Poor Girl secretly loves hunk Anthony who has moved from Switzerland, while Anthony is struck by One Eye’s brother Two Eyes, questioning his own sexual orientation. The soccer team captain loves One Eye while One Eye has a crush on Bellflower, and so the love connections go on. In the meantime, a conspiracy to brainwash students is conceived in the principal’s room. Dasepo Naughty Girl is an adaptation of an internet cartoon, a teen school story with many sexual twists, however the film introduces a unique ‘karaoke musical’ style that is not part of the original cartoon. The film attempts outrageous experiments in both its story and style, yet it portrays taboos so matter-of-factly and in such a cheerful fashion. The color-changing subtitles that display song lyrics just like karaoke machines do and the vivid art direction give the film its charming look. A film that is very unique and rare. (Lim Bum)



1966년 출생. 한국외대 터키어과 졸업 후 한국영화아카데미에서 수학했다. 1991년 단편 연출작 <호모 비디오쿠스>로 평단의 호평을 받으며 영화계에 입문하였으며, 1998년 <정사>로 장편 데뷔한 이후 <순애보>(2000), <스캔들 - 조선남녀상열지사>(2003)를 연출했다.