Rolling Like a Stone > 영문_2007_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
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Rolling Like a Stone





스웨덴 | 2005 | 65min | COLOR | Documentary | Musical


In 1965, The Rolling Stones had a concert in Malmo, Sweden. The band members - Keith Richards, Brian Jones and Mick Jagger ? stayed with Ola Strom, a member of the Swedish band, Gonks. At Ola’s, the band members of Gonks and Namelosers often partied with the Stones. This film starts with footage shot on 8mm during that summer. 40 years later, Tommy Hansson, singer of Namelosers, is divorced and unemployed yet still has passion for rock music. With his old band members, he performs for the 40th anniversary of club Bongo, where they used to have gigs. After the gig, an unfortunate fate takes away the band’s bassist, Christer Nilsson, and Hansson, though in deep grief, searches for a new job. Meanwhile, Ola Strom, once known for his handsome appearance and called ‘every woman’s dream’, now leads a lonely life looking after his badminton player son. Mona Overdal, a former model, was at the party in 1965 and fell in love with Brian Jones, but she stayed in Sweden and now works as a stewardess. If she had held on to her love with Brian Jones, would he still be alive? This film is a portrait of people who led a passionate life in the 1960s but now fade away at their life’s dusk.


마그누스 게르텐, 슈테판 베르그

슈테판 베르그는 1957년생으로 록 뮤지션이자 뮤직비디오 감독이다. 마그누스 게르텐과 프레드렉 게르텐과 함께 다수의 다큐멘터리를 공동 연출한 바 있다. 마그누스 게르텐은 텔레비전과 라디오의 저널리스트로 활동했으며 스웨덴 국립 방송을 위한 수많은 다큐멘터리를 제작해 호평 받았고 그 중 몇 편은 극장 개봉되었다. 지금까지 주로 자신이 살고 있는 도시에 대한 이야기를 다뤄왔는데, 예를 들면 말뫼의 축구팀 ‘말뫼 FF’를 다룬 <트루 블루>(1998), <트루 블루 2>(2002)가 있다. 그는 현재 역사적인 관점에서 극적인 인생 이야기를 다룬 말뫼시 삼부작을 만들고 있다.