Copying Beethoven > 영문_2007_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
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Copying Beethoven





영국/헝가리 | 2006 | 104min | 35mm | COLOR | Drama | Musical


Copying Beethoven, a new film by Polish cineaste Agnieszka Holland well known for the acclaimed films , and , takes a unique look at Beethoven’s last days through the fictional character of Anna Holtz, a copyist for Beethoven’s scores. In the heart of musical Vienna, 23 year old aspiring composer Anna pursues her ambitions despite all the obstacles. One day, she seizes the opportunity to assist the mythic and intimidating Beethoven. Unsure of her potential, Beethoven devises an impromptu test for her, which she passes with flying colors. This unusual encounter will result in big changes in both lives. Unlike other films depicting Beethoven, a popular cinematic subject due to his eccentricities and hearing loss, focuses on Beethoven as a human being. While the last few years of his life were plagued by his troublesome family, the disastrous hearing loss, and increasing alienation from his peers, ironically Beethoven composed his greatest masterpieces during the same period. Classical music lovers will be delighted with the avant-garde opening of Beethoven’s String Quartet Grosse Fuge in B Flat Major Op.134, and thrill to the debut of Beethoven’s Symphony No.9 in D minor, Op.125, the greatest symphony ever in music history. Ed Harris as Beethoven delivers heartfelt performance as does Diane Kruger in her star turn as Anna. Drawing from a profound understanding of Beethoven and his music, Holland exhibits stunning delicacy in her fine directing, enriching the story by placing Anna between Beethoven and her architect lover.


아그네츠카 홀란드

아그네츠카 홀란드는 폴란드 바르샤바에서 태어나 체코슬로바키아로 건너가 프라하의 FAMU에서 영화연출을 전공했다. 폴란드의 거장 크지쉬토프 자누시의 조감독으로 영화계에 입문했으며, 안제이 바이다로부터 사사를 받았다. 감독으로 데뷔한 후 그녀의 작품들은 유수의 영화제에서 호평을 받으며 폴란드 뉴 웨이브를 이끌어 갔다. 현재 폴란드와 미국을 넘나들며 활동을 펼치고 있다. 그녀의 대표작으로는 <성난 추수>(1985), <유로파 유로파>(1990), <올리버 올리버>(1992), <비밀의 화원>(1993), <토탈 이클립스>(1995), <워싱턴 스퀘어>(1997), <세번째 기적>(1999), <줄리 워킹 홈>(2002) 등이 있다.