Mariza and the Story of Fado > 영문_2007_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
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Mariza and the Story of Fado





영국, 포르투갈 | 2006 | 55min | COLOR | Documentary | Musical


Fado, meaning ‘fate’ in Portuguese, is the beautiful and evocative traditional music of Portugal, a music of sorrow and longing that conveys the poetry of love. Originating from songs sung by Brazilian and African slaves on the shabby piers of Lisbon in the early 19th century, Fado became well-known through the work of Amalia Rodrigues, but has never gained quite the popularity it deserves due to the language barrier and its unique sentiment. Recently a new wave of Fado, led by Mariza, is sweeping the world and touching the hearts of people worldwide. Born in Mozambique, Mariza moved to Portugal in 1974 where she started singing Fado even before she could read. She even had a concert in Seoul in September, 2006. Her Fado is sweeter and more energetic than traditional Fado and applies the bold use of non-traditional instruments like flute, accordions and percussions. The film explores the beauty, history and growth of Fado through performances and interviews with Mariza, other ‘fadistas’ (Fado singers), musicians and music experts. Mariza says: “Fado should evolve. It should march into the 21st century. Portugal and its people have evolved ? so should Fado.”


사이몬 브러턴

사이먼 브러턴은 포르투갈에서 아프가니스탄까지 전세계를 돌아다니면서 음악에 관한 수많은 다큐멘터리를 찍어온 영국 텔레비전의 선도적인 감독이다. 월드 뮤직 잡지 <송라인>의 편집자이자, 전세계의 대중음악과 전통음악에 대한 필수 교본인 <월드 뮤직 간략 안내>의 공동 편집자이다.