Joaquin Sabina 19 Days & 500 N > 영문_2008_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
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Joaquin Sabina 19 Days & 500 N





네덜란드 | 2008 | 86min | COLOR | Documentary


Poet and singer, Joaquin Sabina has ruled as an idol among the 2 hundred million Spanish-speaking people for the past 20 years. All presidents of South American countries wanted to take pictures with him, and his fans included Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Fidel Castro, Pedro Almodovar and Diego Maradona. Sabina stood up against Franco and fled to the U.K. in 1968, and from 1975 had to sing his songs for money at a small bar in London. One day, he happened to sing for George Harrison of the Beatles who just dropped by with his friends and tipped him 5 pounds which Sabina cherishes to this day. When Franco’s dictatorship finally ended, he returned to Spain and released his first album in 1978. Since then, he has worked his way up to become Spain’s leading singer with 18 albums released up to 2007. He is a great fan of bull fighting and a generous man who would give his house keys to friends and let them stay as long as they wanted. His salon was always the center of Spanish culture. However, since he was seized by cerebral hemorrhage in 2001, he has been living in seclusion, and his place has been forgotten. The director, Ramón Gieling, reconstructs in a studio, Sabina’s place, just as it used to be and highlights Sabina’s life through interviews from friends who used to frequent Sabina’s salon. The original title‘ 19 Days and 500 Nights’is the title of Sabina’s album released in 1999. (Chun Jin-su)


  • 라몬 기엘링
    • 라몬 기엘링
    • 라몬 기엘링은 1975년 이후로 많은 다큐멘터리, 장편 영화, 단편 그리고 실험영화를 제작한 네덜란 드의 유명한 영화감독이다. 그의 많은 작품들은 그가 일정 기간 거주했던 스페인에서 만들어졌다. 그의 작품은 네덜란드와 해외에서 많은 상을 받았고 여러 국제 영화제에서 상영되기도 했다.