La Antena > 영문_2008_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보

La Antena





아르헨티나 | 2007 | 90min | Drama


A city where people have lost their voices. Broadcasting company CEO, Mr. TV has stolen the public’s voice and has placed people’s lives under strict surveillance. Furthermore, he has developed a device which can use TV to control how people think. In order for this plan to be perfected, he has to kidnap the last person who ‘still has their voice’. Inspired by early German Expressionist silent films of the likes of F. W. Murnau, and Fritz Lang, La Antena is a truly experimental and unique piece which reminds us of the joys of watching classical silent films. The director, Esteban Sapir conveys a critical message of the negative effects of TV and consumer culture through the narrative while emphasizing the importance of image in film through the style and form of early silent cinema. Reflecting the director’s career in photography and cinematographer, his interest in communicating through image has him effectively removing the dialogue so that the audience can focus on image in this film. Starting as the opening film of the 2007 Rotterdam International Film Festival, this film has been invited to numerous film festivals around the world, receiving critical acclaim. The dialogue that transforms into text, filling the screen like dialogue bubbles in a comic strip, and the suspense-driven piano performance and tango music makes this film a chock full of audio-visual pleasure. (Chung Woochung) ​


  • 에스테반 사피르
    • 에스테반 사피르
    • 1967년 부에노스 아이레스 출생. 아르헨티나 국립영화학교를 졸업했다. 촬영감독 출신답게 이미지가 부각되는 이야기 전달 방식에 관심이 많다. 1994년에는 장편 데뷔작 를 연출했으며 이 작품은 베를린, 하바나, 몬트리올 영화제를 비롯한 다수의 영화제에서 수상했다. 1999년 자신의 제작사를 창립, 현재까지 250편에 달하는 광고, 뮤직비디오, 단편을 제작했으며 2003년에는 가수 샤키라의 월드 투어를 기록한 다큐멘터리를 연출하기도 했다.​