Top Hat > 영문_2008_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
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Top Hat





미국 | 1935 | 99min | 35mm | Drama | Musical


Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogers and Gene Kelly ’s dance moves were praised as the‘ heavenly dance’as they ruled as the troika of musicals when this genre was at the forefront of Hollywood’s Golden era. And thanks to Fred Astaire and Ginger Roger ’s fantastic collaboration, the now disbanded RKO Studio was able to step up as a major in musical history. The perfect partnership between the talented Astaire-Rogers pair shines in Top Hat, a typical screwball comedy about the romance between a squabbling couple. The film refrains from spectacular camerawork and editing to capture the movements of this beautifully-moving pair in their entirety. The continuously remade love theme,‘Cheek to Cheek’which has become a classic leaves you with a sweet sensation. Irving Berlin, the master of so many hit musical numbers including‘ Blue Skies’played in The Jazz Singer was in charge of Top Hat ’s music. (Hyuk-sang Denis Lee)


  • 마크 샌드리치
    • 마크 샌드리치
    • 1900년 미국 뉴욕 출생. 콜롬비아 대학에서 공학을 전공하다 우연한 기회로 영화계에 입문하게 되었다. 1927년부터 단편 코미디를 연출했으며 1933년에는 <헤리스 입니다>로 아카데미 단편상을 수상하기도 했다. RKO사에서 프레드 아스테어, 진저 로저스 콤비가 주연한 <게이 이혼>(1934), <탑햇>(1935), <쉘 위 댄스>(1937)와 같은 뮤지컬 영화를 연출했다. 1945년 <블루 스카이>를 연출하는 도중 심장마비로 별세했다.​