42nd Street > 영문_2008_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보

42nd Street





미국 | 1933 | 89min | 35mm | B&W | Drama | Musical


At the peak of the Great Depression in 1932, Broadway producer, Barry and Jones, and director, Julian Marsh struggle to put the musical show Pretty Lady with former star, Dorothy as its main cast on the Broadway stage. But financial difficulties hold them back. At the perfect moment, the wealthy Abner who secretly admired Dorothy decides to invest in their show in an attempt to attract Dorothy’s attention. Unfortunately, Dorothy is in a relationship with Pat. Meanwhile, Peggy Sawyer who had left her hometown Pennsylvania to pursue her dream to become a Broadway star, lands in New York and eventually gets a job as a chorus girl. Dorothy gets injured the day before the long anticipated show, and Peggy who stands in for Dorothy is reborn as the star of 42nd street. As a typical wish-fulfilling narrative film, 42nd Street transforms a simple country girl’s success story into an amazing piece of perfection and solidifies the art of backstage musicals. The film was a box office hit and was nominated for Best Picture at the Academy Awards. At the end of the late 1980s, this classic film is reborn at as a musical show on Broadway, becoming another legend on stage. (Hyuk-sang Denis Lee)


  • 로이드 베이컨
    • 로이드 베이컨
    • 1889년 미국 출생. 극작가이자 배우인 아버지의 영향으로 대학 때부터 배우로 활동하다가 1921년 찰리 채플린 스튜디오에서 갑작스레 병에 걸린 감독을 대신해 평소 꿈꾸던 연출 일을 시작했다. 워너 브라더스사로 이적해 만든 <노래하는 바보>(1927)의 성공으로 이후 <모비딕>(1930)을 연출했고, 1955년 사망 전까지 백 편이 넘는 작품을 감독했다. 대표작으론 버스비 버클리의 화려한 안무로 유명한 뮤지컬 영화 <42번가>가 있다.