The Friends > 영문_2008_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보

The Friends





한국 | 2007 | 104min | 35mm | COLOR | Drama


Six graders Ye-jun, Dong-hee and Young-tan have a huge curiosity of dead people. When the rumor spreads that an old man in the village will die soon, the kids begin a stakeout. Days pass, but the old man seems to be far from death. And to make matters worse, he throws filthy water on them and even forces them to work on his house and garden. But as they weed the garden, plant cosmos seeds, paint his house and tie a laundry rope in his yard, they slowly develop a friendship with the old man. The old man tells the kids old tales and at the end of summer, he shows them fireworks. Their friendship continues to deepen when one day, the kids return to see the old man who never awakes as much as they try to wake him up. Based on a novel by Japanese writer Yumoto Kazumi, the film captures sweet memories of youth through the director Lee Young-jae’s warmhearted eyes, just as he has done in his first feature film The Harmonium in My Memory. (Chun Jin-su)


  • 이영재
    • 이영재
    • 1957년 생. 연세대 졸업 후, 한국영화아카데미 3기를 수료했고 1998년 장편데뷔작 <내 마음의 풍금>으로 제20회 청룡영화상 신인 감독상을 수상했다. 연세 극예술 연구회를 비롯, 극단 산울림 창립 연구단원으로 활동하기도 했다.